By Chris (Comeswithclouds) White CEO Sanctuary on the Trail and Host to The Gathering "We reached a new dimension of humanity that we believed in, then saw for the first time." "We pulled it together. We united. They united with us; tears of inexpressible healing and evidence of Creator God at work." "The Gathering was an experiment in humanity. We knew going in, not everyone would get it." "Our goal was to plant this spiritual seed within the individual. We found that the hearts of the people attending The Gathering is fertile ground. We saw it in dancing, in the arena holding hands, in tears of joy, laughter and smiles, and the expression of acceptance and unconditional love among strangers." We saw it in tears of forgiveness of generational oppression where the lack of identity and uncertainty is in the hearts and minds of individuals. Where the light of ‘Mitakuye Oyasin’ showed we truly are all related; and part of the oneness of creation. | "Know that the work we're doing now collectively may not be realized in our life time. It's a goal we're working towards, which will benefit people beyond any of our expectations or imaginations. As a peaceful people we can gather people to one sacred hoop and accomplish good." "This was the beginning of a new dimension in humanity. The possibilities that this planted seed will bring forth through individuals that received it." "The Gathering proved to be a homecoming of sorts – home within the heart." |
Fund Raiser for The Gathering. Location: Clarke County Fairgrounds, 890 West Main Street, Berryville, VA 22611. Let the Spirit of The Gathering Catch You.
Ten featured Authors and Illustrators including Dennis Banks will be available with their books Saturday Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. The public is invited to join us at this historic event held at the Clarke County Fairgrounds 890 W. Main St. Berryville, VA 22611. Admission only $5; kids 4 and under free.
Welcome to The Gathering Boy Scout Troop 5 and Cub Scout Packs 75 and 28 - BEHIND THE SCENES10/23/2015
Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 Clarke County Fairgrounds 890 West Main Street Berryville, VA 22611 Admission only $5; kids 4 and under free; 72 vendors and exhibitors; traditional Native American Harvest Dance (Sat and Sun); 14th Annual Virginia Gourd Festival (Fri, Sat, Sun); Kidz Harvest Festival (Fri only); 45 gourd classes; 10 authors and illustrator (Sat and Sun); military veteran and uniformed services tribute (Sat and Sun); food, fun and fellowship (Indian fry bread, grilled salmon and turkey tacos, BBQ etc.) ... twilight fundraising auction (Sat 5 pm) ... even a Trick or Treat Trot alternative to Halloween (Sat 6 pm) #LettheSpiritofTheGatheringCatchYou Special thanks to TV Producer Director Francisco (Paco) Hamm from California for donating his time and resources to produce this video - this work honors of all the photographers, dancers, volunteers, singers, exhibitors, vendors, sponsors, supporters and Great Spirit who make The Gathering possible.
Dark Water Rising a Hit Performance at Barns of Rose Hill - BEHIND THE SCENES TO THE GATHERING10/20/2015
Dark Water Rising Native American Indian band performed live this past weekend at the Barns of Rose Hill community center as part of a pre-view event to The Gathering.
The index table below shows various events that we have offered over the years.
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